Local Dev Setup
- go version v1.22.0+
- docker version 17.03+.
- kubectl version v1.28.0+.
The metal-operator
is leveraging envtest to conduct and run
unit test suites. Additionally, it is using the Redfish Mock Server to
run a local mock Redfish instance to simulate operations performed by various reconcilers.
graph TD
A[Kubernetes Controller Runtime Based Reconcilers] -->|Interacts with| B[envtest Kube-apiserver Environment]
A -->|Interacts with| C[Redfish Mock Server]
C -->|Runs as a| D[Docker Container]
Run the local test suite
The local test suite can be run via
make test
This Makefile
directive will start under the hood the Redfish mock server, instantiate the envtest
and run go test ./...
on the whole project.
Start/Stop Redfish Mock Server
The Redfish mock server can be started and stopped with the following command
make startbmc
make stopbmc
Run the local Tilt development environment
The local development environment can be started via
make tilt-up
This Makefile
directive will:
- create a local Kind cluster with local registry
- install cert-manager
- install boot-operator to reconcile the ServerBootConfiguration
- start the metal-operator
controller and Redfish mock server as a sidecar container
- an Endpoint resource is created to point to the Redfish mock server
- this will result in Server
resources being created and reconciled by the metal-operator
‹kind-metal› kubectl get server
compute-0-bmc-endpoint-sample 38947555-7742-3448-3784-823347823834 Contoso On Available 3m21s
The local development environment can be deleted via
make kind-delete