API Reference
Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the settings.gardener.cloud API group
Resource Types:
(Appears on:ServerSpec, ServerStatus)
BIOSSettings represents the BIOS settings for a server.
Field | Description |
version string |
Version specifies the version of the server BIOS for which the settings are defined. |
settings map[string]string |
Settings is a map of key-value pairs representing the BIOS settings. |
BMC is the Schema for the bmcs API
Field | Description | ||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec BMCSpec |
status BMCStatus |
(Appears on:ServerSpec)
BMCAccess defines the access details for the BMC.
Field | Description |
protocol Protocol |
Protocol specifies the protocol to be used for communicating with the BMC. |
address string |
Address is the address of the BMC. |
bmcSecretRef Kubernetes core/v1.LocalObjectReference |
BMCSecretRef is a reference to the Kubernetes Secret object that contains the credentials required to access the BMC. This secret includes sensitive information such as usernames and passwords. |
(Appears on:BMCStatus)
BMCPowerState defines the possible power states for a BMC.
Value | Description |
"Off" |
OffPowerState the system is powered off, although some components may continue to have AUX power such as management controller. |
"On" |
OnPowerState the system is powered on. |
"Paused" |
PausedPowerState the system is paused. |
"PoweringOff" |
PoweringOffPowerState A temporary state between On and Off. The power off action can take time while the OS is in the shutdown process. |
"PoweringOn" |
PoweringOnPowerState A temporary state between Off and On. This temporary state can be very short. |
BMCSecret is the Schema for the bmcsecrets API
Field | Description |
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Standard object’s metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of themetadata field.
immutable bool |
Immutable, if set to true, ensures that data stored in the Secret cannot be updated (only object metadata can be modified). If not set to true, the field can be modified at any time. Defaulted to nil. |
data map[string][]byte |
Data contains the secret data. Each key must consist of alphanumeric characters, ‘-’, ‘_’ or ‘.’. The serialized form of the secret data is a base64 encoded string, representing the arbitrary (possibly non-string) data value here. Described in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648#section-4 |
stringData map[string]string |
stringData allows specifying non-binary secret data in string form. It is provided as a write-only input field for convenience. All keys and values are merged into the data field on write, overwriting any existing values. The stringData field is never output when reading from the API. |
type Kubernetes core/v1.SecretType |
Used to facilitate programmatic handling of secret data. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/#secret-types |
(Appears on:BMC)
BMCSpec defines the desired state of BMC
Field | Description |
endpointRef Kubernetes core/v1.LocalObjectReference |
EndpointRef is a reference to the Kubernetes object that contains the endpoint information for the BMC. This reference is typically used to locate the BMC endpoint within the cluster. |
access InlineEndpoint |
Endpoint allows inline configuration of network access details for the BMC. Use this field if access settings like address are to be configured directly within the BMC resource. |
bmcSecretRef Kubernetes core/v1.LocalObjectReference |
BMCSecretRef is a reference to the Kubernetes Secret object that contains the credentials required to access the BMC. This secret includes sensitive information such as usernames and passwords. |
protocol Protocol |
Protocol specifies the protocol to be used for communicating with the BMC. It could be a standard protocol such as IPMI or Redfish. |
consoleProtocol ConsoleProtocol |
ConsoleProtocol specifies the protocol to be used for console access to the BMC. This field is optional and can be omitted if console access is not required. |
(Appears on:BMCStatus)
BMCState defines the possible states of a BMC.
Value | Description |
"Enabled" |
BMCStateEnabled indicates that the BMC is enabled and functioning correctly. |
"Error" |
BMCStateError indicates that there is an error with the BMC. |
(Appears on:BMC)
BMCStatus defines the observed state of BMC.
Field | Description |
macAddress string |
MACAddress is the MAC address of the BMC. The format is validated using a regular expression pattern. |
ip IP |
IP is the IP address of the BMC. The type is specified as string and is schemaless. |
manufacturer string |
Manufacturer is the name of the BMC manufacturer. |
model string |
Model is the model number or name of the BMC. |
sku string |
SKU is the stock keeping unit identifier for the BMC. |
serialNumber string |
SerialNumber is the serial number of the BMC. |
firmwareVersion string |
FirmwareVersion is the version of the firmware currently running on the BMC. |
state BMCState |
State represents the current state of the BMC. |
powerState BMCPowerState |
PowerState represents the current power state of the BMC. |
conditions []Kubernetes meta/v1.Condition |
Conditions represents the latest available observations of the BMC’s current state. |
(Appears on:ServerSpec)
BootOrder represents the boot order of the server.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name is the name of the boot device. |
priority int |
Priority is the priority of the boot device. |
device string |
Device is the device to boot from. |
(Appears on:BMCSpec)
ConsoleProtocol defines the protocol and port used for console access to the BMC.
Field | Description |
name ConsoleProtocolName |
Name specifies the name of the console protocol. This could be a protocol such as “SSH”, “Telnet”, etc. |
port int32 |
Port specifies the port number used for console access. This port is used by the specified console protocol to establish connections. |
(Appears on:ConsoleProtocol)
ConsoleProtocolName defines the possible names for console protocols.
Value | Description |
"IPMI" |
ConsoleProtocolNameIPMI represents the IPMI console protocol. |
"SSH" |
ConsoleProtocolNameSSH represents the SSH console protocol. |
"SSHLenovo" |
ConsoleProtocolNameSSHLenovo represents the SSH console protocol specific to Lenovo hardware. |
Endpoint is the Schema for the endpoints API
Field | Description | ||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec EndpointSpec |
status EndpointStatus |
(Appears on:Endpoint)
EndpointSpec defines the desired state of Endpoint
Field | Description |
macAddress string |
MACAddress is the MAC address of the endpoint. |
ip IP |
IP is the IP address of the endpoint. |
(Appears on:Endpoint)
EndpointStatus defines the observed state of Endpoint
(Appears on:BMCStatus, EndpointSpec, InlineEndpoint, NetworkInterface)
IP is an IP address.
Field | Description |
- net/netip.Addr |
IPPrefix represents a network prefix.
Field | Description |
- net/netip.Prefix |
(Appears on:ServerSpec, ServerStatus)
IndicatorLED represents LED indicator states
Value | Description |
"Blinking" |
BlinkingIndicatorLED indicates the Indicator LED is blinking. |
"Lit" |
LitIndicatorLED indicates the Indicator LED is lit. |
"Off" |
OffIndicatorLED indicates the Indicator LED is off. |
"Unknown" |
UnknownIndicatorLED indicates the state of the Indicator LED cannot be determined. |
(Appears on:BMCSpec)
InlineEndpoint defines inline network access configuration for the BMC.
Field | Description |
macAddress string |
MACAddress is the MAC address of the endpoint. |
ip IP |
IP is the IP address of the BMC. |
(Appears on:ServerStatus)
NetworkInterface defines the details of a network interface.
Field | Description |
name string |
Name is the name of the network interface. |
ip IP |
IP is the IP address assigned to the network interface. The type is specified as string and is schemaless. |
macAddress string |
MACAddress is the MAC address of the network interface. |
(Appears on:ServerClaimStatus)
Phase defines the possible phases of a ServerClaim.
Value | Description |
"Bound" |
PhaseBound indicates that the server claim is bound to a server. |
"Unbound" |
PhaseUnbound indicates that the server claim is not bound to any server. |
(Appears on:ServerClaimSpec, ServerMaintenanceSpec, ServerSpec)
Power defines the possible power states for a device.
Value | Description |
"Off" |
PowerOff indicates that the device is powered off. |
"On" |
PowerOn indicates that the device is powered on. |
(Appears on:BMCAccess, BMCSpec)
Protocol defines the protocol and port used for communicating with the BMC.
Field | Description |
name ProtocolName |
Name specifies the name of the protocol. This could be a protocol such as “IPMI”, “Redfish”, etc. |
port int32 |
Port specifies the port number used for communication. This port is used by the specified protocol to establish connections. |
(Appears on:Protocol)
ProtocolName defines the possible names for protocols used for communicating with the BMC.
Value | Description |
"IPMI" |
ProtocolNameIPMI represents the IPMI protocol. |
"Redfish" |
ProtocolNameRedfish represents the Redfish protocol. |
"SSH" |
ProtocolNameSSH represents the SSH protocol. |
Server is the Schema for the servers API
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec ServerSpec |
status ServerStatus |
ServerBootConfiguration is the Schema for the serverbootconfigurations API
Field | Description | ||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec ServerBootConfigurationSpec |
status ServerBootConfigurationStatus |
(Appears on:ServerBootConfiguration, ServerBootConfigurationTemplate)
ServerBootConfigurationSpec defines the desired state of ServerBootConfiguration.
Field | Description |
serverRef Kubernetes core/v1.LocalObjectReference |
ServerRef is a reference to the server for which this boot configuration is intended. |
image string |
Image specifies the boot image to be used for the server. This field is optional and can be omitted if not specified. |
ignitionSecretRef Kubernetes core/v1.LocalObjectReference |
IgnitionSecretRef is a reference to the Kubernetes Secret object that contains the ignition configuration for the server. This field is optional and can be omitted if not specified. |
(Appears on:ServerBootConfigurationStatus)
ServerBootConfigurationState defines the possible states of a ServerBootConfiguration.
Value | Description |
"Error" |
ServerBootConfigurationStateError indicates that there is an error with the boot configuration. |
"Pending" |
ServerBootConfigurationStatePending indicates that the boot configuration is pending and not yet ready. |
"Ready" |
ServerBootConfigurationStateReady indicates that the boot configuration is ready for use. |
(Appears on:ServerBootConfiguration)
ServerBootConfigurationStatus defines the observed state of ServerBootConfiguration.
Field | Description |
state ServerBootConfigurationState |
State represents the current state of the boot configuration. |
(Appears on:ServerMaintenanceSpec)
ServerBootConfigurationTemplate defines the parameters to be used for rendering a boot configuration.
Field | Description | ||||||
name string |
Name specifies the name of the boot configuration. |
spec ServerBootConfigurationSpec |
Parameters specifies the parameters to be used for rendering the boot configuration.
ServerClaim is the Schema for the serverclaims API
Field | Description | ||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec ServerClaimSpec |
status ServerClaimStatus |
(Appears on:ServerClaim)
ServerClaimSpec defines the desired state of ServerClaim.
Field | Description |
power Power |
Power specifies the desired power state of the server. |
serverRef Kubernetes core/v1.LocalObjectReference |
ServerRef is a reference to a specific server to be claimed. This field is optional and can be omitted if the server is to be selected using ServerSelector. |
serverSelector Kubernetes meta/v1.LabelSelector |
ServerSelector specifies a label selector to identify the server to be claimed. This field is optional and can be omitted if a specific server is referenced using ServerRef. |
ignitionSecretRef Kubernetes core/v1.LocalObjectReference |
IgnitionSecretRef is a reference to the Kubernetes Secret object that contains the ignition configuration for the server. This field is optional and can be omitted if not specified. |
image string |
Image specifies the boot image to be used for the server. |
(Appears on:ServerClaim)
ServerClaimStatus defines the observed state of ServerClaim.
Field | Description |
phase Phase |
Phase represents the current phase of the server claim. |
ServerMaintenance is the Schema for the ServerMaintenance API
Field | Description | ||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec ServerMaintenanceSpec |
status ServerMaintenanceStatus |
(Appears on:ServerMaintenanceSpec)
ServerMaintenancePolicy specifies the maintenance policy to be enforced on the server.
Value | Description |
"Enforced" |
ServerMaintenancePolicyEnforced specifies that the maintenance policy is enforced. |
"OwnerApproval" |
ServerMaintenancePolicyOwnerApproval specifies that the maintenance policy requires owner approval. |
(Appears on:ServerMaintenance)
ServerMaintenanceSpec defines the desired state of a ServerMaintenance
Field | Description |
policy ServerMaintenancePolicy |
Policy specifies the maintenance policy to be enforced on the server. |
serverRef Kubernetes core/v1.LocalObjectReference |
ServerRef is a reference to the server that is to be maintained. |
serverPower Power |
ServerPower specifies the power state of the server during maintenance. |
serverBootConfigurationTemplate ServerBootConfigurationTemplate |
ServerBootConfigurationTemplate specifies the boot configuration to be applied to the server during maintenance. |
(Appears on:ServerMaintenanceStatus)
ServerMaintenanceState specifies the current state of the server maintenance.
Value | Description |
"Completed" |
ServerMaintenanceStateCompleted specifies that the server maintenance has been completed. |
"Failed" |
ServerMaintenanceStateFailed specifies that the server maintenance has failed. |
"InMaintenance" |
ServerMaintenanceStateInMaintenance specifies that the server is in maintenance. |
"Pending" |
ServerMaintenanceStatePending specifies that the server maintenance is pending. |
(Appears on:ServerMaintenance)
ServerMaintenanceStatus defines the observed state of a ServerMaintenance
Field | Description |
state ServerMaintenanceState |
State specifies the current state of the server maintenance. |
(Appears on:ServerStatus)
ServerPowerState defines the possible power states for a server.
Value | Description |
"Off" |
ServerOffPowerState indicates that the system is powered off, although some components may continue to have auxiliary power such as the management controller. |
"On" |
ServerOnPowerState indicates that the system is powered on. |
"Paused" |
ServerPausedPowerState indicates that the system is paused. |
"PoweringOff" |
ServerPoweringOffPowerState indicates a temporary state between On and Off. The power off action can take time while the OS is in the shutdown process. |
"PoweringOn" |
ServerPoweringOnPowerState indicates a temporary state between Off and On. This temporary state can be very short. |
(Appears on:Server)
ServerSpec defines the desired state of a Server.
Field | Description |
uuid string |
UUID is the unique identifier for the server. Deprecated in favor of systemUUID. |
systemUUID string |
SystemUUID is the unique identifier for the server. |
power Power |
Power specifies the desired power state of the server. |
indicatorLED IndicatorLED |
IndicatorLED specifies the desired state of the server’s indicator LED. |
serverClaimRef Kubernetes core/v1.ObjectReference |
ServerClaimRef is a reference to a ServerClaim object that claims this server. This field is optional and can be omitted if no claim is associated with this server. |
bmcRef Kubernetes core/v1.LocalObjectReference |
BMCRef is a reference to the BMC object associated with this server. This field is optional and can be omitted if no BMC is associated with this server. |
bmc BMCAccess |
BMC contains the access details for the BMC. This field is optional and can be omitted if no BMC access is specified. |
bootConfigurationRef Kubernetes core/v1.ObjectReference |
BootConfigurationRef is a reference to a BootConfiguration object that specifies the boot configuration for this server. This field is optional and can be omitted if no boot configuration is specified. |
bootOrder []BootOrder |
BootOrder specifies the boot order of the server. |
BIOS []BIOSSettings |
BIOS specifies the BIOS settings for the server. |
(Appears on:ServerStatus)
ServerState defines the possible states of a server.
Value | Description |
"Available" |
ServerStateAvailable indicates that the server is available for use. |
"Discovery" |
ServerStateDiscovery indicates that the server is in its discovery state. |
"Error" |
ServerStateError indicates that there is an error with the server. |
"Initial" |
ServerStateInitial indicates that the server is in its initial state. |
"Reserved" |
ServerStateReserved indicates that the server is reserved for a specific use or user. |
(Appears on:Server)
ServerStatus defines the observed state of Server.
Field | Description |
manufacturer string |
Manufacturer is the name of the server manufacturer. |
model string |
Model is the model of the server. |
sku string |
SKU is the stock keeping unit identifier for the server. |
serialNumber string |
SerialNumber is the serial number of the server. |
powerState ServerPowerState |
PowerState represents the current power state of the server. |
indicatorLED IndicatorLED |
IndicatorLED specifies the current state of the server’s indicator LED. |
state ServerState |
State represents the current state of the server. |
networkInterfaces []NetworkInterface |
NetworkInterfaces is a list of network interfaces associated with the server. |
totalSystemMemory k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource.Quantity |
TotalSystemMemory is the total amount of memory in bytes available on the server. |
storages []Storage |
Storages is a list of storages associated with the server. |
BIOS BIOSSettings |
conditions []Kubernetes meta/v1.Condition |
Conditions represents the latest available observations of the server’s current state. |
(Appears on:ServerStatus)
Storage defines the details of one storage device
Field | Description |
name string |
Name is the name of the storage interface. |
state StorageState |
State specifies the state of the storage device. |
volumes []StorageVolume |
Volumes is a collection of volumes associated with this storage. |
drives []StorageDrive |
Drives is a collection of drives associated with this storage. |
(Appears on:Storage)
StorageDrive defines the details of one storage drive
Field | Description |
name string |
Name is the name of the storage interface. |
mediaType string |
MediaType specifies the media type of the storage device. |
type string |
Type specifies the type of the storage device. |
capacity k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource.Quantity |
Capacity specifies the size of the storage device in bytes. |
vendor string |
Vendor specifies the vendor of the storage device. |
model string |
Model specifies the model of the storage device. |
state StorageState |
State specifies the state of the storage device. |
(Appears on:Storage, StorageDrive, StorageVolume)
StorageState represents Storage states
Value | Description |
"Absent" |
StorageStateAbsent indicates that the storage device is absent. |
"Disabled" |
StorageStateDisabled indicates that the storage device is disabled. |
"Enabled" |
StorageStateEnabled indicates that the storage device is enabled. |
(Appears on:Storage)
StorageVolume defines the details of one storage volume
Field | Description |
name string |
Name is the name of the storage interface. |
capacity k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource.Quantity |
Capacity specifies the size of the storage device in bytes. |
state StorageState |
Status specifies the status of the volume. |
raidType string |
RAIDType specifies the RAID type of the associated Volume. |
volumeUsage string |
VolumeUsage specifies the volume usage type for the Volume. |
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