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Installing Ironcore


  • go >= 1.20
  • git, make, and kubectl
  • Kustomize
  • Access to a Kubernetes cluster (Minikube, kind or a real cluster)

Clone the Repository

To bring up and install the Ironcore project, you first need to clone the repository.

git clone
cd ironcore

Install cert-manager

If there is no cert-manager present in the cluster it needs to be installed.

kubectl apply -f

Install APIs into the Cluster

Your Kubernetes API server needs to know about the APIs that come with the Ironcore project. To install the APIs into your cluster, run

make install

Note: This requires the APISERVER_IMG (Makefile default set to apiserver) to be pullable from your Kubernetes cluster. For local development with kind, a make target that builds and loads the API server image and then applies the manifests is available via

make kind-install

Note: In case multiple environments running, ensure that kind get clusters is pointing to the default kind cluster.

Deploy the Controller Manager

The controller manager can be started via the following command.

make kind-deploy


Make sure you have all the below pods running.

$ kubectl get po -n ironcore-system
NAME                                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS       AGE
ironcore-apiserver-85995846f9-47247            1/1     Running   0              136m
ironcore-controller-manager-84bf4cc6d5-l224c   2/2     Running   0              136m
ironcore-etcd-0                                1/1     Running   0              143m

Apply Sample Manifests

The config/samples folder contains samples for all APIs supported by this project. You can apply any of the samples by running

kubectl apply -f config/samples/SOME_RESOURCE.yaml


To remove the APIs from your cluster, simply run.

make uninstall