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Documentation Setup

The documentation of the ironcore project is written primarily using Markdown. All documentation related content can be found in the /docs folder. New content also should be added there. MkDocs and MkDocs Material are then used to render the contents of the /docs folder to have a more user-friendly experience when browsing the projects' documentation.


One exception to the common contribution process builds the docs/api-reference folder. The folder contains auto-generated CRD reference documentation of the project, no manual contributions should be applied as they will be overwritten in the next generation step. To read more: Updating API Reference Documentation section.


Following tools are required to work on that package.

  • Kubernetes cluster access to deploy and test the result (via minikube, kind or docker desktop locally)
  • make - to execute build goals
  • docker - to run the local mkdocs environment
  • git - to be able to commit any changes to repository
  • kubectl (>= v1.23.4) - to be able to talk to the kubernetes cluster


If you don't have Docker installed on your machine please follow one of those guides:

Local Development Setup

This project contains a local Docker based runtime environment for the documentation part. If you have an access to the docker registry and k8s installation that you can use for development purposes, just run following command and access the output in your browser under http://localhost:8000/:

make start-docs
The environment will hot-rebuild your documentation, so there is no need to restart it while you make your changes. If you want to add a new chapter (basically a new file/folder to docs directory) you should add it to the nav section in the mkdocs.yml file in the projects root folder. Use helper Makefile directive to clean up old and stopped container instances.

make clean-docs

Writing Content

API Reference Documentation

The API reference documentation contains auto-generated description from the CRD definition of the ironcore project. We are using the gen-crd-api-reference-docs project to generate the content. Under the hood we are using go generate instructions defined in each version type doc.go. The needed instructions to generate documentation for the core/v1alpha1 types are in the example below:

//go:generate gen-crd-api-reference-docs -api-dir . -config ../../../hack/api-reference/core-config.json -template-dir ../../../hack/api-reference/template -out-file ../../../docs/api-reference/
Together with the comments in the corresponding type files go generate will call the gen-crd-api-reference-doc command to generate the output in the /docs/api-reference folder. The project contains a Makefile routine to generate the reference documentation for all types. In case you change any of the types in the apis folder just run:

make docs


The generated output should be part of your pull request.