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Local Development Setup



Setup Ceph Cluster

Reference: rook docs

Install cert-manager

If there is no cert-manager present in the cluster it needs to be installed.

kubectl apply -f

Setup ironcore

Reference: ironcore docs

Setup Rook

  1. Install Rook operator and CRDs

    kubectl apply -k ./rook

  2. Verify the rook-ceph-operator is in the Running state before proceeding

    kubectl -n rook-ceph get pod

  3. Create a Rook Ceph Cluster see: Rook Docs

  4. Verify cluster installation. List all rook pods again:

    kubectl -n rook-ceph get pod
    In the end you should see all pods Running or Completed and have at least one rook-ceph-osd-* Pod:
    NAME                                            READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    csi-cephfsplugin-b7ktv                          3/3     Running     0          63d
    csi-cephfsplugin-provisioner-59499cbcdd-wvnfq   6/6     Running     0          63d
    csi-rbdplugin-bs4tn                             3/3     Running     6          63d
    csi-rbdplugin-provisioner-857d65496c-mxjp4      6/6     Running     0          63d
    rook-ceph-mgr-a-769964c967-9kmxq                1/1     Running     0          26d
    rook-ceph-mon-a-66b5cfc47f-8d4ts                1/1     Running     0          63d
    rook-ceph-operator-75c6d6bbfc-b9q9n             1/1     Running     0          63d
    rook-ceph-osd-0-7464fbbd49-szdrp                1/1     Running     0          63d
    rook-ceph-osd-prepare-minikube-7t4mk            0/1     Completed   0          6d8h

  5. Deploy a CephCluster

    kubectl apply -f ./rook/cluster.yaml
    Ensure that the cluster is in Ready phase

kubectl get cephcluster -A
  1. Deploy a CephBlockPool, CephObjectStore & StorageClass
    kubectl apply -f ./rook/pool.yaml

Clone the Repository

To bring up and start locally the ceph-provider project for development purposes you first need to clone the repository.

git clone
cd ceph-provider

Build the ceph-provider

  1. Build the ceph-volume-provider

    make build-volume

  2. Build the ceph-bucket-provider

    make build-bucket

Run the ceph-volume-provider

The required ceph-provider flags needs to be defined in order to connect to ceph.

The following command starts a ceph-volume-provider and connects to a local ceph cluster.

go run ./cmd/volumeprovider/main.go \

Sample supported-volume-classes.json file:

    "name": "experimental",
    "capabilities": {
      "tps": 262144000,
      "iops": 15000

The ceph key can be retrieved from the keyring by decoding (base64) the keyring and using only the key.

kubectl get secrets -n rook-ceph rook-ceph-admin-keyring -o yaml

Run the ceph-bucket-provider

The required ceph-provider flags needs to be defined in order to work with rook.

The following command starts a ceph-bucket-provider. The flag bucket-pool-storage-class-name defines the StorageClass and hereby implicit the CephBlockPool (see rook docs).

go run ./cmd/bucketprovider/main.go \

Interact with the ceph-provider


  • irictl-volume
    • locally running or
  • irictl-bucket
    • locally running or

Listing supported VolumeClass

irictl-volume --address=unix:./iri-volume.sock get volumeclass
Name           TPS         IOPS
experimental   262144000   15000

Listing supported VolumeClass

irictl-volume --address=unix:./iri-volume.sock get volumeclass
Name           TPS         IOPS
experimental   262144000   15000

Creating a Volume

irictl-volume --address=unix:./iri-volume.sock create volume -f ./volume.json

Created volume 796264618065bb31024ec509d4ed8a87ed098ee8e89b370c06b0522ba4bf1e2

Sample volume.json

  "metadata": {
    "labels": {
      "": "test"
  "spec": {
    "class":  "experimental",
    "resources":  {
      "storage_bytes": 10070703360

Listing Volumes

irictl-volume --address=unix:./iri-volume.sock get  volume
ID                                                                Class          Image   State              Age
796264618065bb31024ec509d4ed8a87ed098ee8e89b370c06b0522ba4bf1e2   experimental           VOLUME_AVAILABLE   2s

Deleting a Volumes

irictl-volume --address=unix:./iri-volume.sock delete  volume 796264618065bb31024ec509d4ed8a87ed098ee8e89b370c06b0522ba4bf1e2
Volume 796264618065bb31024ec509d4ed8a87ed098ee8e89b370c06b0522ba4bf1e2 deleted